Why Should I Use Recycled Paper for Printing?

Why Should I Use Recycled Paper for Printing?

Why Should I Use Recycled Paper for Printing?

Should I be using recycled printer paper?

Paper free – PERFECT...but nearly impossible!

April 29,2020


I don’t know about you but how ever much I strive to be paper free I find there is sometimes I just need paper! Whether it is printing a label to return something, an e-ticket as my phone has failed or just because there is too much to read on a device!

So how can you stay as environmentally friendly as possible but still print?

Recycled printer paper is the answer.

Recycled printer paper has come so far since it first entered the market, with many brands of recycled copy paper it is nearly impossible to tell from it’s less green counterparts.

And the print quality you get is usually on par as well. 

Why is recycled printer paper is better than standard printer paper?

Obviously using a recycled version of anything is better but there as some really good reasons!

Production of recycled paper is greener – it uses less energy, less water and produces less carbon emissions than the production of standard virgin copy paper.

Not only that is reduces the amount of waste going into landfill – it is a win win!

And when you have finished with it you can recycle it–paper can be recycled 4 to 5 times!

And to produce white recycled paper you need post consumer white paper waste – so it is important to recycle your used paper!

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